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'D' Shackle - Captive Pin - 316 Stainless Steel

Our Price $3.30
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Captive pin 'D' shackle.

Designed to hold pin to avoid the frustration of dropping the pin when using shackle.

Stainless Steel, 316 grade.

Part numberPin DiameterInternal Length (A)Internal Width (B)TDL*
SAW-56093 6mm 22.5mm 13.0mm 550kg
SAW-56095 7mm 24.5mm 14.7mm 720kg
SAW-56096 8mm 28.6mm 17.3mm 1120kg
SAW-56097 10mm 35.6mm 22.6mm 1600kg
SAW-56098 12mm 42.4mm 25.0mm 2400kg
SAW-56098A 14mm - 28.0mm 4400kg

*TDL = tested deformation load

'D' Shackle - Captive Pin - 316 Stainless Steel

Our Price $3.30
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Sorry - SAW-56093 is sold out. Pre-order for new stock arriving 4th Apr 2025.

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